  • Admin
  • Administration
  • Logon Settings
  • General
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General logon settings

Under the General tab of Logon Settings, you can configure the following settings.

CATPCHA Settings

Login CAPTCHA serves as a security measure against bot-based brute force attacks. Enabling this setting will display a CAPTCHA image on the login page. End-users must enter the characters shown in the CAPTCHA image to log into the Log360 web portal.

You can configure whether to always show CAPTCHA or only after a certain number of invalid login attempts. Apart from the CAPTCHA image, you can also enable Audio CAPTCHA to assist visually impaired users.

Steps to enable CAPTCHA

  1. Log into Log360 as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Admin → Administration → Logon Settings, and click the General tab.
  3. Select the option Enable CAPTCHA on the login page.
  4. Select Always show CAPTCHA if you want users to go through CAPTCHA verification every time they login.
  5. Select Show CAPTCHA after invalid login attempts if you want only those users who failed at login to go through the CATPCHA verification process.
    • Enter the number of invalid login attempts after which the CAPTCHA verification should appear.
    • Enter the threshold (in minutes) to reset the invalid login attempts. After the specified time period, the invalid login attempts will be reset.
    • Illustration: Consider the following limits:
      • Invalid login attempts limit ‘3’
      • Reset the invalid attempts limit after ’30’ minutes
    • In the above illustration, if a user fails to login 3 times consecutively in a 30-minute time interval, then a CATPCHA image will be displayed. The user now has to enter the correct credentials, plus the characters shown in the CAPTCHA image, to successfully log into Log360. 
  6. Select Enable Audio CAPTCHA to assist visually impaired users.
    Note: When audio CAPTCHA is enabled, only digits will be shown in the CAPTCHA image. If a browser doesn’t support audio CAPTCHA, then the default CAPTCHA image (with letters and digits) will be shown.
  7. Click Save Settings.

Block Users Settings

Using this option you can block users from accessing Log360 after a certain number of invalid login attempts for a defined time interval. A blocked user cannot log into Log360.

Steps to block users

  1. Log into Log360 as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Admin → Administration → Logon Settings, and click the General tab.
  3. Select the option Block users after invalid login attempts.
    • Enter the number of invalid login attempts after which users should be blocked.
    • Enter the threshold (in minutes) to reset the invalid login attempts. After the specified time period, the invalid login attempts will be reset.
    • Enter the number of minutes users should be blocked.
    • Illustration: Consider the following limits:
      • Invalid login attempts limit ‘3’ within ‘5’ minutes.
      • Reset the invalid attempts limit after ’30’ minutes
    • In the above illustration, if a user fails login 3 times in a 5-minute time interval, then the user will be blocked from logging into Log360 for 30 minutes. 
  4. Click Save Settings.

Other Settings

If you want to hide the ‘Forgot Password?’ link in the login page, then enable the Hide ‘Forgot Password?’ link in login page option.

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